Can I hire an attorney?
In Texas, small claims parties generally represent themselves without an attorney. This is largely because the amount at issue in the case is not large enough to justify the hiring of an attorney. However, you are allowed to retain one if you choose.
What can I expect at trial?
The trial is relatively informal compared to a normal trial. There are no rules of evidence. Additionally, the judge is allowed to ask questions of the parties and witnesses, and generally takes a more proactive role in determining the facts of a case. Trials generally are pretty short (15-20 minutes). If a jury trial is required, the trial could last a few hours.
Can I file my small claims case in Hood County?
In order to follow correct procedure, a small claims case needs to be filed in the proper county and precinct. In Texas, the action is filed in the County and Precinct where the defendants reside or where a contract was to be performed. (Government Code Section 28.011). Hood County Small Claims Court cases are heard in 4 courthouses in Hood County.

Types of Cases
Small claims courts handle a wide variety of cases. This could be an action to get your security deposit back, or an action to recover money for damage done to your vehicle after a car accident. However, small claims court cannot handle assignments of claims (where one person transfers their interest in an action to another), a divorce proceedings, and cases filed by collection agencies or agents.
Can I appeal my case?
Appeals are allowed if the amount of the award exceeds $250.00.
A Justice of the Peace for Hood County hears small claims court cases for Hood County.
Hood County Court Clerk
The clerk at the courthouse can be an excellent resource for your case. This will ensure the courthouse is open and someone is available to assist with the filing of your claim. Remember, the court clerk is trained to assist with procedural questions, but is not able to give legal advice.
Limit (or Jurisdiction) of Small Claims Court
A plaintiff cannot demand more than $10,000 in their action. (Texas Government Code 28.093). Small claims parties can only recover money. You cannot seek injunctive relief. For example, if you pay a painter $1,000 to paint your house and the painter does not even begin, you cannot ask the court to issue an order for the painter to paint your house. This type of relief would be injunctive relief.
Hood County Court Locations
Precinct 2 Courthouse in the City of Granbury
This courthouse is located at:
This courthouse handles cases for Precinct 2. The court’s website can be found here. The phone number for the court is (817)579-3290.
Precinct 1 Courthouse in the City of Granbury
This courthouse is located at:
1200 W Pearl St Granbury, TX 76048This courthouse handles cases for Precinct 1. The court’s website can be found here. The phone number for the court is (817)408-2660.
Precinct 3 Courthouse in the City of Granbury
This courthouse is located at:
5417 Acton Hwy, Ste 104 Granbury, TX 76049-2994This courthouse handles cases for Precinct 3. The court’s website can be found here. The phone number for the court is (817)579-3202. And you can email the court by clicking here.
Precinct 4 Courthouse in the City of Granbury
This courthouse is located at:
100 E Pearl St Granbury, TX 76048-2407This courthouse handles cases for Precinct 4. The court’s website can be found here. The phone number for the court is (817)408-2530. And you can email the court by clicking here.
I sent 3 of my most valuable Victorian jewelry pieces to my now ex friend to take to her jeweler to sell. The jeweler told me the 8-10 k Spinal stone needed to be sent off for testing. Also, he said if it turned out to be Spinal, it would be worth quite a lot of money. I told my friend I wanted her to send it back to me along with the other 2 pieces.
She’s cut off all communication with me. Changed her phone no. / de friended me on face book.
I have original shipping form- pictures- name of jeweler- her responses on my Facebook private messaging .
I shipped these items to her address I Granbury, TX.
Do I need to make a police report ?
Do I need to file before traveling from out of state?
Do these people need to be served? O
Hello, I just wondered if you got your jewelry back and who it was that did that to you. Maybe post her real name on our hood county buy, sell, giveaway site or any other similar sites here in the area. We all should know not to deal with her. Too bad that you didn’t notify the pawn shops here in Granbury. I wonder if that person pawned them.