
Welcome to smallclaimscourthouse.com.  This website is designed to help you navigate your way through small claims court.  Small claims courts are designed to allow regular people to settle disputes over somewhat smaller amounts of money in a quick, efficient, simplified manner as compared to a regular civil lawsuit. Because of this, most people are not represented by an attorney. Each state has there own separate rules and procedures for small claims courts. In some states, you have a courthouse for each County, in others, you have a court in every city. Here at SmallClaimsCourthouse.com, our goal is to provide you with helpful information for your small claims court case no matter what state or county you are in.  We aim to provide general information about how the procedures and rules for each state.

Here are the states we have information on:

California small claims court
Florida small claims court
Georgia small claims court
Illinois small claims court
Michigan small claims court
New Jersey small claims court
New York small claims court
Pennsylvania small claims court
Texas small claims court

Please bookmark our site and return as we continue to update these pages (as laws change) and increase the number of states covered by this website.  Thank you for visiting.