Bexar County Small Claims Court, Texas

Clerk’s Role in Small Claims Court Actions

The clerk at the courthouse can be an excellent resource for your case. The clerk is an excellent resource for the procedure for small claims court cases in Texas but also any procedures specific to that County or courthouse. It is recommended that you contact the clerk’s office to ensure the courthouse is open during the hours you want to visit. While the clerk can help you with procedural issues, the clerk is not able to give legal advice. They will direct you to an attorney if answering your question would require that.

Limit (or Jurisdiction) of Small Claims Court

You cannot demand or ask for more than $10,000 in a small claims court case. (Government Code 28.093). Another restriction of small claims court is that a plaintiff can only seek monetary relief (an award of money). You cannot seek injunctive relief. For example, if you pay a painter $1,000 to paint your house and the painter does not even begin, you cannot ask the court to issue an order for the painter to paint your house. You could only ask the court for an award of money.

Can I appeal my case?

Appeals are allowed if the amount of the award exceeds $250.00.

Types of Small Claims Cases

Small claims courts handle a wide variety of cases. This could be an action to get your security deposit back, or an action to recover money for damage done to your vehicle after a car accident. However, small claims court cannot handle assignments of claims (where one person transfers their interest in an action to another), a divorce proceedings, and cases filed by collection agencies or agents.

Small Claims Court Venue

In order to follow correct procedure, a small claims case needs to be filed in the proper county and precinct. In Texas, the action is filed in the County and Precinct where the defendants reside or where a contract was to be performed. (Government Code Section 28.011).

What can I expect at trial?

The trial is relatively informal compared to a normal trial. This allows the trials to be conducted in a much more informal fashion. Furthermore, the judge is allowed and often ask questions of witnesses and parties to help understand the facts of a case. It will likely be pretty quick. A jury trial will likely last longer, probably a few hours.

Who is the judge in a Small Claims Court case?

Small claims cases in Bexar County are heard in front of the justice of the peace for Bexar County. Small Claims actions are heard in 5 courthouses throughout Bexar County.

Bexar County Small Claims Court
Bexar County Small Claims Court

Can I hire an attorney?

In Texas, small claims parties generally represent themselves without an attorney. The reasoning behind this is because the amount is $10,000 or less, hiring an attorney becomes cost prohibitive. Nevertheless, you are allowed to retain one if you desire. (Texas Government Code Section 28.003).

Bexar County Court Locations

Precinct 1 Place 1 Courthouse in the City of San Antonio

This courthouse is located at:

3505 Pleasanton Rd
San Antonio, TX 78221

This courthouse handles cases for Precinct 1 Place 1. The court’s website can be found here. The phone number for the court is (210)335-4500. And you can email the court by clicking here.

Precinct 1 Place 2 Courthouse in the City of San Antonio

This courthouse is located at:

3505 Pleasanton Rd
San Antonio, TX 78221

This courthouse handles cases for Precinct 1 Place 2. The court’s website can be found here. The phone number for the court is (210)335-4500.

Precinct 2 Place 1 Courthouse in the City of San Antonio

This courthouse is located at:

7723 Guilbeau Rd, Ste 105
San Antonio, TX 78250-3216

This courthouse handles cases for Precinct 2 Place 1. The court’s website can be found here. The phone number for the court is (210)335-4800. And you can email the court by clicking here.

Precinct 3 Place 1 Courthouse in the City of San Antonio

This courthouse is located at:

320 Interpark Blvd
San Antonio, TX 78217

This courthouse handles cases for Precinct 3 Place 1. The court’s website can be found here. The phone number for the court is (210)335-4700. And you can email the court by clicking here.

Precinct 4 Place 1 Courthouse in the City of San Antonio

This courthouse is located at:

2711 SE Loop 410, Ste 200
San Antonio, TX 78222

This courthouse handles cases for Precinct 4 Place 1. The court’s website can be found here. The phone number for the court is (210)335-4900. And you can email the court by clicking here.

32 thoughts on “Bexar County Small Claims Court, Texas”

  1. I am interested in filing a small claims lawsuit. How do I figure out which courthouse/precinct I need to appear at?
    I reside at 13422 Coram Peak, San Antonio, TX 78248.
    Please advise

  2. I need to know what precinct the following address falls in. 431 Wake Forest , San Antonio, TX 78228. I need a file
    in small claims court, but cannot get verification of the
    correct precinct to file in.

  3. i want to file a small claims suit. I live in comal county and the defendant lives in Bexar county. Where do i file the suit? I am close to Cibolo. Thank You

  4. I need to identify which precinct I would need to address a question to. My address is 1723 Autumn Woods- San Antonio, Texas 78232

  5. I’m trying to take a insurance company to small claim court. I don’t know if I’m on the right website can somebody please help me. Thank you

  6. I have an ex-girlfreind that has owed me a $1000 for almost a year now and I haven’t seen any effort to repay me. What do I need to do?

  7. I currently live in Dallas and I am wondering what the easiest way would be to file suit in small claims court. Considering that I live in another city, am I able to email or mail it in? Also, if so, where do I find the forms at and does it have to be in the form of check, money order, or debit card?

    Thank you!

  8. In aug of 2005 my daughter had her party my mom paid a photographer in full for pictures and video we never went to pick we had death in family and time just passed then in 2012 he contacts my mom and states he git rid of everything because we didn’t pick up can he do that or do we have a claim.

  9. I would like to file a clams against my X attorney for1) recover excess retainer fees& 2) pain and suffering. Can I do it as one case or will I need to make a second case, I have won my case with the bar but was not awarded anything!

    Cell 225-921-2101

  10. I live at 1305 Arroyo Verde, Schertz, TX 78154 and would like to use the Small Claims Court. How do I know which precinct and Place to file?

    Thank you

  11. I wish to bring a small claims court action against USAA I live in Florida. Which San Antonio courthouse do I contact. Thank you

  12. I would like to file a claim but not sure what precint
    I live at 2845 FM 1516 South san antonio Tx 78263.also
    can I file thru the computer?if you can please help me.
    Thank you.Regina Rivas

  13. I would like to file a small claim against Calliope Talent in Selma TX 78154. I live in Austin, TX and was advised to file in Bexar county. Please let me know what I need to proceed. Thank you.

    – Jennifer Fielding

  14. If the defendant and I entered a contract in San Antonio and then the defendant moved to California and is now refusing to honor the contract, can I sue her in small claims court in San Antonio where the contract was formed or do I have to file a claim in California?

  15. I gave the defendant equipment to sell a consignment dealer and he sold some of the equipment and did not pay all the money agreed to. I sent a certified demand notice to return the equipment not sold and pay the balance and it came back unaccepted.

    His address is in Universal City and my address is 14635 Blanco Rd 78216. Where do I file my court claim?

  16. I live in Wolf Creek (county) not in San Antonio city limits. Zip Coe 78245. Was advised to file at Bexar County Court House. I don’t have a computer to sign my signature if I sign on line… So how can I proceed? Any what precinct would handle it?

  17. I am interested in filing a small claims lawsuit. How do I figure out which courthouse/precinct I need to appear at?
    I reside in county out side of city limits at: 10719 Ranchland Fox San Antonio, Texas 78245
    Please advise

  18. I am interested in filing a small claims lawsuit. How do I figure out which courthouse/precinct I need to appear at?
    I reside at 10719 Ranchland Fox San Antonio, TX 78245.
    Please advise How do I proceed?

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  20. I had a contractor do that damage to my Sprinkler system and also to my neighbor sprinkler system while tiring to get out his bobcat.He refuse to pay for damages and complete work that he was contract to perform, which small claims court can i file my claim,

  21. If I won my small claims and the defendant is ordered to pay $200 to do I receive that money? And can they appeal that judgement?

  22. I’m writing about on Emergency Dental USA in San Antonio,TX. The reason i got told back around June 2019 that i had a credit of $365.00 that was owe to me. They told me to contract my insurance in for the refund but when i contract my insurance in July 2019 about it they told that they sent the check over to Emergency dental while i was in the phone with my insurance they put on hold while they contract Emergency Dental and told that they will contract me about it or i can contact them. so i did and they told me that i should receive a check in the mail at the end of the week. when they week past i contract them they told me i was on a list to get credited back that it will take Three Months. I waited the three months and got told you should receive something but to email them at So i emailed 3 times for a status and i never a response so i kept on calling and got the same thing over and over and when i stop by the office they told me the same thing to email. Again i waited then one day in January 18 on a Saturday i call they told me that i was clear that i should of receive a check by October of last year and to call this number in 40225972777 which they told me it was the headquarters of Emergency but to call them on Monday. So i waited till Monday and call it was another location. so i call back to the San Antonio location and told me that i was given the wrong number and to call a different number, again got the same thing but this time i got a email address of a manager so i email her three times and nothing when i call and ask for her i get told that she will call me back and nothing. so i call my insurance and they couldn’t get hold of her or my San Antonio Location. but when i call them they told me to go over the office and ask for a check but i call first and Ashley the office manager told me that she has to talk to Erica and she will ask her about my check to call back on Saturday. So i call her back and she told that she couldn’t get hold of her but they were texting each other so call back on Monday 2/10/2020. So i call and spoke to another Ashley and she told me that the other Ashley doesn’t come in till Wednesday and she also told me that i was still on a credit list and whoever i spoke to me lied to me that they couldn’t do anything about it. so i call the 4025972777 number trying to reach erica but got told she wasn’t available that she will call you back. again i will never get a call back


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