Warren County Small Claims Court

Warren County Small Claims Court

Appeals from Warren Small Claim Court Rulings

If a party doesn’t agree with a decision on a small claims court case, an appeal may be filed to the Appellate Division of the Superior Court within 45 days of the judgment. You need to file a Notice of Appeal, a copy of the Request for Transcript, and a Case Information Statement within the 45 days with the Clerk of the Appellate Division located at the Hughes Justice Complex, Trenton. You also need to file these documents with all parties to the case, the clerk where your case was first heard, and to the judge who made the ruling. The appealing party must pay a $200 filing fee with the Notice of Appeal. They must also pay an additional $300 deposit with the Appellate Division Clerk within 30 days of the Notice of Appeal. The deposit is used for settlement costs or court costs and is returned to the appealing party if they prevail on the appeal. Additionally, you need to obtain a copy of the transcript from the original trial. The transcript is the official record of the proceedings and should have everything that was said at the trial. This can be expensive. Generally you will be required to post an estimate of the cost of the transcript or $300 for each full or partial day of trial. Due to the high expense of the appeal process (and additional time you have to wait), we encourgae all small claims litigants to have their evidence and witnesses ready and be prepared to succintly state their position to the court at the initial trial. If you have additional questions or want more information regarding appeals of New Jersey small claims court cases, you should contact the Clerk’s Office of the Appellate Division at (609) 292-4822.
Note: If you are under 18, the complaint for a small claims court action must be completed by an adult.

Types of Claims that CANNOT be filed in Small Claims Court:

  • Any malpractice action (these are usuall filed against doctors, lawyers, dentists, etc.)
  • Support or alimony (from a marriage or domestic dispute)
  • Probate matters (you are claiming you are owed under a will, trust, or other estate instrument)

Can I file my small claims case in Warren County?

A case may be filed in a County if at least one defendant resides there (or the business is located there). A business is deemed to “live” in any county where it conducts business or where its registered office is. For example if you want to sue your mechanic and their shop is located in Warren County, you may file your case here. If you have a case with more than one defendant, you may file a case in a County where any of the defendants reside. If no defendants reside in a New Jersey County, you need to file your case in the County where your complaint occurred.
Warren County Small Claims cases are heard in the Superior Courts Special Civil Part. The Special Civil Part handles small claims court cases, landlord/tenant cases, and cases filed in the regular Special Civil Part (cases exceeding the limit of small claims court but below the limit for a regular civil case).

Warren County Small Claims Court
Warren County Small Claims Court
Small Claims cases allow one party to sue another for monetary damages. Procedures for small claims court in New Jersey are much simpler than in other courts. This makes it that a non-attorney is able to file a case and present it quickly and without needing to learn lots of legal terminology and procedures. Generally, people file their own cases and represent themselves in court. A party can only ask the court for monetary relief not exceeding $3,000. If the amount you are seeking is more than $3,000, but does not exceed $15,000, the case can be filed in regular Special Civil Part. Word of Caution: If your claim is for more than $3,000, you can file it in small claims court, but you give up your right to collect any money in excess of $3,000. You cannot recoup this excess in a separate or subsequent action.

Ombudsman for Warren County Small Claims Court

Each County has an Ombudsman assigned to assist small claims litigants (amongst other responsibilities). Part of their job responsibilities is to assist you with questions with your small claims court case. The Ombudsman assigned to Warren County is Elizabeth Raimondo. The contact information is 908-203-6131 (Telephone) and 908-231-7632 (Fax). The email address for the ombudsman is SomOmbudsman.mailbox@judiciary.state.nj.us.

Areas Served by the Warren County Small Claims Court

Warren Court serves the following locations in Warren County: Phillipsburg, Hackettstown, Lopatcong Township, Mansfield Township, Washington Township, Washington, Blairstown, Greenwich Township, Independence Township, White Township, Allamuchy Township, Pohatcong Township, Franklin, Knowlton Township, Liberty Township, Belvidere, Harmony Township, Oxford Township, Alpha, Frelinghuysen Township, Hope Township, and Hardwick Township.

Location for Small Claims Court in Warren County

The Warren County Small Claims Court is located at:

Warren County Civil Division Courthouse
413 Second Street
P.O. Box 900
Belvidere, NJ 07823-1500

The Court’s telephone number is (908) 475-6144.

What Actions are Normally Filed in Warren Small Claims Court?

  • Oral or Written Breach of Contract
  • Action for the Return of a Down Payment
  • Motor Vehicle Property Damage
  • Damage or Loss of Property
  • Consumer complaints of faulty workmanship or defective merchandise
  • Payment for Labor Performed
  • Bad Checks
  • Back Rent
  • Return of security deposit (remember special rule can sue up to and including $5,000)

Warren County Special Civil Part

This section handles cases where the amount sought is more than $3,000 but equal to or less than $15,000. These cases have more formal rules and procedures than regular small claims court. Cases exceeding $15,000 are filed in the Law Division.

8 thoughts on “Warren County Small Claims Court”

  1. Question: Both parties reside in NJ. Business is in Warren County. 3 weeks of of non pay approx. $2,900 by employer. What forms do I fill out to file a claim?

  2. Question: Non payment of salary after giving 1 week notice. Employer refuses to provide missing 2 weeks. How much do I have to pay the court to file? $200? I have the form to complete. Do I have to drop it off?
    The business is located the Green Meadows. The employee is in a different county. Which one do I use? I like dealing with Warren County, it is accutally closer.

  3. Dear Elizabeth Raymond,
    I want to file a small claims against my mortgage company and their lawyer (now debit collector) for violation of the FDCPA. A notice of foreclosure has already been recorded in Warren County courts. The property is in Warren County. My question is may I record the small claims in Warren County Court. The mortgage company is out of state and the Lawyer is located in Mount Laurel NJ.

    Randy Burns

  4. My son, Brian Barras, lived in 7 Railroad Avenue apartments in Washington. He lived there past the expiration of the lease on a month to month basis. For the first year of the term, the Warren County Housing paid a part of the rent. At the end of the first year, the housing department made an inspection, which failed and the County stopped paying their part of the rent although my son continued to pay his part. My son has now moved and applied to the landlord for the $700 security deposit. After not receiving the $700, a letter was written two weeks ago to the landlord stating we would take the landlord to small claims court. We have not received a reply from the landlord. My question is how do we start the process of filing a claim.

  5. Dear Ms. Elizabeth Raimondo:

    I was a renter in Phillipsburg New Jersey. I had no written lease as per the Owners Preference. The agreement was to pay “month to month” with a rent deposit to be held ($575) pending a final move out inspection. I moved out in March and asked for the refund of deposit on numerous occasions, via telephone, voice mail and texts to the landlord. I now reside at my parents home in Bethlehem, PA. I understand the landlord has an address in Egypt, New Jersey.

    Is Warren County the proper venue to file a small claims case against the landlord?

    He has several other rented apartments in Phillipsburg, NJ.

    Greg Valvik

  6. Do I need to make an appointment to file a claim and if not, what are the recommended days and time to come in to initiate a claim?

    Thank you!

  7. I have a 1300 deposit the landlord refuses to return. i only lived there for less than 60 days and he got in a fight with his wife and told me i had to leave. i have never done this before. i have no signed lease but the cancelled checks and many texts and pictures. i left in october last year 2018. any advice?


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