Middlesex County Small Claims Court

Middlesex County Small Claims Court

Which locations are served by the Middlesex County Small Claims Court?

Middlesex Court serves the following locations in Middlesex County: Edison, Woodbridge Township, Old Bridge Township, Piscataway, New Brunswick, Perth Amboy, East Brunswick, South Brunswick Township, Sayreville, North Brunswick, Monroe, South Plainfield, Plainsboro Township, Carteret, South River, Highland Park, Middlesex, Metuchen, South Amboy, Spotswood, Dunellen, Milltown, Jamesburg, Cranbury Township, and Helmetta.

Middlesex Small Claims Court Appeals

If a party doesn’t agree with a decision on a small claims court case, an appeal may be filed to the Appellate Division of the Superior Court within 45 days of the judgment. The party seeking appeal needs to file a “Notice of Appeal”, a Case Information Statement, and a copy of the submitted Request for Transcript within the 45 day window. This is filed with the Clerk of the Appellate Division (at the Hughes Justice Complex, Trenton). You also need to file these documents with all parties to the case, the clerk where your case was first heard, and to the judge who made the ruling. Additionally, the person seeking an appeal has to pay a filing fee of $200. An additional deposit of $300 is required to be posted within 30 days (of the Notice of Appeal). The deposit is used for settlement costs or court costs and is returned to the appealing party if they prevail on the appeal. A transcript of the original trial proceedings needs to be obtained. The transcript is the official record of the proceedings and should have everything that was said at the trial. The transcript can be expensive. You are required to post the estimate for the cost of the transcript. Alternatively, you will be charged $300 for each day or partial day of trial transcript required for the appeal (most small claims court cases only require part of a court’s day). Because of the high costs of appeal, it is all the more important to be prepared for your original trial so that you need not rely on an appeal. If you have additional questions or want more information regarding appeals of New Jersey small claims court cases, you should contact the Clerk’s Office of the Appellate Division at (609) 292-4822.
Caution: A minor cannot file an action in small claims court on their own behalf. He or she must have their parent or guardian file it on their behalf.

Special Civil Part Cases

The Special Civil Part handles cases where the amount in controversy (amount being sought by plaintiff) is more than $3,000, but less than or equal to $15,000). The rules are more formal than in small claims. If a case exceeds $15,000, the appropriate location to file the case is the Law Division of Middlesex Superior Court.

Should I file my small claims case in Middlesex County?

A case may be filed in a County if at least one defendant resides there (or the business is located there). A business is located there is the business is actually conducting business in that county (“doing business”) or it is where the business’s registered office is located. For example if you want to sue your mechanic and their shop is located in Middlesex County, you may file your case here. If you have multiple defendants in your case, you may file in whichever County one of the defendants is located. If no defendants in the case live in a New Jersey County, the claim needs to be filed in the County where the action arose.
Middlesex County Small Claims cases are heard in the Superior Courts Special Civil Part. The Special Civil Part handles small claims court cases, landlord/tenant cases, and cases filed in the regular Special Civil Part (cases exceeding the limit of small claims court but below the limit for a regular civil case).

Middlesex County Small Claims Court
Middlesex County Small Claims Court
Small Claims is a court where someone (the plaintiff) may bring an action against another person (the defendant) for money the plaintiff believes the defendant owes for one reason or another. Small claims court rules and procedures are far less complex than in regular courts. These simplified rules allow a party to present their case in an expedient and cost-effective manner. Generally, people file their own cases and represent themselves in court. A party can only ask the court for monetary relief not exceeding $3,000. If someone is trying to recover more than $3,000 and an amount up to, and including, $15,000, the case can be filed and heard in the regular Special Civil Part. Special Note: You can file in small claims court if your claim exceeds $3,000 but you waive or forego your right to recover money in excess of the $3,000 limit (you also cannot file an additional action to recover the excess).

Location for Small Claims Court in Middlesex County

The Small Claims Court is located here:

Middlesex Vicinage
Special Civil Part 3rd Floor – Tower
P.O. Box 1146
New Brunswick, NK 08903-1146

The Court can be reached at (732) 519-3679.

Types of Claims that CANNOT be filed in Small Claims Court:

  • Any malpractice action (these are usuall filed against doctors, lawyers, dentists, etc.)
  • You cannot file an action for support (child) or alimony.
  • Any action regarding a payment under a will (or other probate matters)

Ombudsman for Middlesex County Small Claims Court

Each County in New Jersey has an Ombudsman. Part of their job responsibilities is to assist you with questions with your small claims court case. For Middlesex County, that person is Luis M. Hernandez who can be reached by telephone at 732-519-3344 or fax at 732-565-2955. The email address for the Middlesex County Ombudsman is MidOmbudsman.mailbox@judiciary.state.nj.us.

Types of Actions Generally Filed in Small Claims Court:

  • Oral or Written Breach of Contract
  • Action for the Return of a Down Payment
  • Action for Property Damage to a Motor Vehicle
  • Damage or Loss of Property
  • Faulty Workmanship, Defective Merchandise (and other consumer complaints)
  • Payment for labor
  • Checks Written Without Funds in the Account
  • Actionf or Back Rent
  • Recovery of Security Deposit (Special Note: Can ask for up to and including $5,000 for recovery of a security deposit)

22 thoughts on “Middlesex County Small Claims Court”

  1. My sister stole $2000.00 from me, I won in Municipal court, But that court in NOT a Court of restitution Can I file a small claims againt her? And do I have to get the transcripts from the Municipal court?

    Also if I have to get the transcripts, can I and the $300.00 fee to the claim?

    • we were going to a church in South River, we are spiritual people, the pastor name is Jorge Ortiz, but we just find out that this pastor is working as a bus driver with another name as Gregorio Cruz, this pastor is using two identities, he was cheating to us, we wonder if we can back our tithes and offerrings that we gived during the time that we were supporting that church

    • we were going to a church in South River, we are spiritual people, the pastor name is Jorge Ortiz, but we just find out that this pastor is working as a bus driver with another name as Gregorio Cruz, this pastor is using two identities, he was cheating to us, we wonder if we can back our tithes and offerings that we gived during the time that we were supporting that church

  2. Hello I’m got a phone with t-mobile. And it stop working the main branch said I could take it back with full refund but the store it’s self wont take it back what should I do

  3. Can I file a case in small claim courts in NJ against someone on lives in MD (buyer didn’t pay for item received). What are my options here. The value of item is about $3400. What are my options. I would appreciate any help. Thanks

  4. My Taylor damaged my fabric cloth that I gave her to sew for me,my cloth cost 200 and I paid her 75 for her labor, can I file a case against her in small claims court in nj, pls let me know is urgent thanks.

  5. Due to the distress you have put my parents through with your states stupid laws to claim a settlement he hired the best lawyer and is suing you for mental distress….5 times you have sent him paper work telling him there are errors in the forms and this keeps going back and forth and still has not received the money he won in court…this will go to the highest court possible and the Judge and and the court will be slammed all over social media…I run a social media site and have friends at a news network where this will be aired there as well……..you have 2 weeks to get us the $….so just send him his fucking money already or we are taking down the courts and judges through the internet and TV….His name is Tom Santoro….the clock is ticking

  6. I was in a car accident (no injuries ) at the beginning of the month of May. The individual only has insurance that cover if someone was injured. Can I sue them for return of my deductible $750.00 and out of pocket for car rental?

  7. I was in a car accident (no injuries ) at the beginning of the month of May. The individual only has insurance that coves only if someone was injured. Can I sue them for return of my deductible $750.00 and out of pocket for car rental?

  8. Rutgers dental clinic on Somerset St. in New Brunswick owes me 200dollars for an overpayment of dental Services .I keep calling about my refund to be put back into my debit account and Now when I called the other day about my money they told me it;s out of their hands and I have to wait on accounting to mail my money back..It’s been more than 30 days and I want my money they owe me!!! Should I go to small claims court to get my money back that they agree they owe me???????????????

  9. An exgirl friend was borrowing my 1000 dollar mac book mini air and nevee returned it or refuses to give it back . please call me at 7322771214 I’d like to pursue this matter in court to get my computer back I have receipts and proof of purchase

  10. can i file a small claim and sue my exboyfriend he made me open a credit card to pay for his lawyer’s bill and promised me he will pay me back and also he made purchases without me knowing, he took my credit card. I have notified the credit card company of his fraudulent activities and how he is not paying the card. What can i do to get him to pay it?

  11. My mom Thomais Lyssikatos elderly person had some work that needed to be done on her steps and the person who was suppose to fix her steps did not do the job he left unfinished. Please call her at 732-690-6006.

  12. Hello, I have a problem with the dealer Europlus Motorsport, Inc in Route 1 North Brunswick. I bought my car a year ago, I’ve been trying to make my fainancing payment but I found out the dealer closed down and I dont the motive. I wanted to know what should I do now? What are the steps for me to get the car’s title? Where should I pay what’s left of my debt?
    I would really appreciate the help, thank you.

  13. Hi, in need of held.
    My daughter went for a scheduled MRI at University Radiology Group on 02/10/17 as prescribe by her doctor. I made the appointment a few weeks prior and gave them all the insurance information at that time. Now, one and half year later they want me to pay the $2,370.00 for the service. My insurance denied the claim at that time because they did not follow standard procedure, which is to call for pre-authorization (excl. code 226, PROVIDER MUST CONTACT AMERICAN HEALTH HOLDING FOR AUTHORIZATION AT 1-800-974-5702,
    They also had 180 days to appeal the claim or notify me, but they waited until 08/01/18. Now my ins. Blue Cross & Blue Shield, will not pay the claim.

    What can I do, can I take URG to small claims court?

    Can you please help?

  14. Hi, I would like to sue a small business in South Amboy New Jersey. Long story short I gave a $500 deposit for a piece of machinery that was not delivered. When I asked for my deposit back was told my deposit is nonrefundable.

  15. i m trying to fill out and serve an information subpeona to defendant , im tring to get help what to do , and how to file i really dont have attoney fees that will cost too much can u assist me in how to file or a probono to help me fill out and serve defenant

  16. We did work in various home in North Carolina for this warranty company based in Edison. The warranty company did not use us any more from September 2018. There were outstanding invoices from August and September 2018 but was informed that we had to wait 365 days until payment was issued. We waited as per agreement and when payment was issued we were short paid. The warranty company did not send a reconciliation of what was paid just a check. There is a discrepancy of $1,400. We were told there is nothing they can do because the invoices were over a year old. But we could not do anything until 365 days passed. Since the Warranty company is based out of Edison and the work was done in North Carolina in which state do I file a small claim?

  17. I had a Company Rodregues Construction paint my house. He damaged my roof my driveway and other stuff around my house he also back sprayed 2 trucks that belonged to my neighbors. This cost 1200.00 to clean 600 per truck.


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